various findings. Mostly swf files dissectioned, turned into gifs, random info, trivia...
Itoshisa playing in some hot topic, 2006
a 1999-2001 calendary/notebook thing I own.
More scans in the dedicated directory.
Ugly kingdom secret files. When you find it, it'll ask for a password.
Two different strings of numbers will give you two different hidden clips.
french petition website from 2005 to bring diru in france.
seemingly a shinya (missa/garden pv) cosplayer, found in the depths of
original scans of saku booklet art?
Some frames are missing. It was partly retrieved
from a section with gifs of all KIMON's pvs.
mini galleries from various tour dates used to be uploaded on their official site.
Scanned by me, found in my own copy of vulgar.
I have yet to find more info about this.